木瀬 香保利
Kahori KISE

Ph. D. candidate, 3rd year
Information Device Science Laboratory
Graduate School of Materials Science
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
8916-5 Takayama, Ikoma, Nara 630-0192, JAPAN
Tel: +81-743-72-6064
Fax: +81-743-72-6069


2015 - present Dr. Eng. Graduate School of Materials Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN
2013 - 2015 M. Eng. Graduate School of Materials Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, JAPAN
2012 - 2014 B. Eng. Chemistry and Materials Technology Course of Materials and Life Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology, JAPAN
2006 - 2009 SHITENNOJI Senior High School(私立四天王寺高等学校), JAPAN

Honors and Grants
2016.12 The 23rd International Display Workshops (IDW 2016) Outstanding Poster Paper Award
2016.11 Mid-Term Student Research Evaluation Symposium 2016 優秀学生発表賞
2016.9 第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (JSAP Autumn Meeting 2016) Poster Award
2016 平成28年度競争的研究支援,15万円
2015.6 The 22nd International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpanel Displays and Devices (AM-FPD 2015) Student Paper Award
2015 平成27年度競争的研究支援,30万円
2015.5日本学生支援機構奨学金 業績優秀者免除(全額返還免除)
2014.11 2014 GIST-NAIST-NCTU Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials Poster Award Silver Prize
2014 平成26年度競争的研究支援,15万円

1.Kahori Kise, Mami N. Fujii, Satoshi Urakawa, Haruka Yamazaki,Emi Kawashima,
Shigekazu Tomai, Koki Yano, Dapeng Wang, Mamoru Furuta, Yasuaki Ishikawa, and Yukiharu Uraoka "Self-heating Induced Instability of Oxide Thin Film Transistors under Dynamic Stress", Appl. Phys. Lett., 108, 023501, (2016)

Presented Works

International conferences
1. Kahori Kise, Yasuaki Ishikawa, Satoshi Urakawa, Haruka Yamazaki, Yoshihiro Ueoka, Masahiro Horita, and Yukiharu Uraoka,
"Analysis of heating phenomenon in oxide thin-film transistor under pulse voltage stress",
10th International Thin-Film Transistor Conference (ITC 2014), Oxides20, Delft, Netherlands, January, (2014)

2. Kahori Kise,Mami N Fujii, Shigekazu Tomai, Yoshihiro Ueoka, Haruka Yamazaki, Satoshi Urakawa, Koki Yano,
Dapeng Wang, Mamoru Furuta, Masahiro Horita, Yasuaki Ishikawa, and Yukiharu Uraoka,
"Analysis of heating phenomenon in oxide thin-film transistor under pulse voltage stress",
12th International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai (IMFEDK 2014), Kyoto, Japan, June 2014, (2014)

3. Kahori Kise,
"Analysis of Joule Heating in Oxide Thin-Film Transistor under Pulsed Bias Voltage",
2014 GIST/NAIST/NCTU Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials (GNN 2014), Gwangju, Korea, November, (2014)

4. Kahori Kise, Mami N Fujii, Shigekazu Tomai, Yoshihiro Ueoka, Haruka Yamazaki, Satoshi Urakawa, Koki Yano,
Dapeng Wang, Mamoru Furuta, Masahiro Horita, Yasuaki Ishikawa, and Yukiharu Uraoka,
"Analysis of Self-Heating Phenomenon in Oxide Thin-Film Transistor under Pulsed Voltage Stress",
THE 22nd International Workshop on Active-Matrix Flatpannel Displays and Devices (AM-FPD 2015), Kyoto, Japan, June, (2015)

5. Kahori Kise, Mami N Fujii, Juan Paolo Bermundo, Yasuaki Ishikawa, and Yukiharu Uraoka,
"Thermal analysis and device simulation of heat suppressed structure for oxide thin-film transistor",
he 23rd International Display Workshops (IDW 2016), Fukuoka, Japan, December, (2016)

国内学会 (Domestic conference)
1. 木瀬香保利, 笘井重和,上岡義弘,山﨑はるか,浦川哲,矢野公規,
Dapeng Wang,古田守,堀田昌宏,石河泰明,浦岡行治
電子情報通信学会 シリコン材料・デバイス研究会 (SDM), 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学, 12月, (2013)

2. 木瀬香保利, 笘井重和,上岡義弘,山﨑はるか,浦川哲,矢野公規,
Dapeng Wang,古田守,堀田昌宏,石河泰明,浦岡行治
"パルス電圧ストレス下における自己発熱による酸化物TFTの劣化解析 ",
第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 青山学院大学, 3月, (2014)

3. 木瀬香保利, 石笘井重和,上岡義弘,山﨑はるか,浦川哲,矢野公規,
Dapeng Wang,古田守,堀田昌宏,石河泰明,浦岡行治
応用物理学会関西支部 平成26年度第3回講演会, 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学, 3月, (2015)

4. 木瀬香保利, 石笘井重和,上岡義弘,山﨑はるか,浦川哲,矢野公規,
Dapeng Wang,古田守,堀田昌宏,石河泰明,浦岡行治
"パルス電圧下における酸化物TFTの自己発熱による劣化現象についての考察 ",
第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 名古屋国際会議場, 9月, (2015)

5. 木瀬香保利, 藤井茉美,Bermundo Juan Paolo,石河泰明,浦岡行治,
第77回応用物理学会秋季講演会, 新潟コンベンションセンター, 9月,(2016)

6. 木瀬香保利,
"Thermal analysis and device simulation of heat suppressed structure for oxide thin-film transistor",
Mid-Term Student Research Evaluation Symposium 2016, 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学, 11月,(2016)

関連発表 - Related presentations
専門 - Research Interests

電子デバイス工学 - Electronic device engineering
薄膜トランジスタ - Thin Film Transistor
透明酸化物半導体 - Transparent amorphus oxide semiconductor

所属学会 - Society activities
院生会員,応用物理学会 - The Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)