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About us

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) and Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) established an international collaborative laboratory for accelerating researches and exchanges between NYCU and NAIST.


Since before National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) and National Yang Ming University (NYUM) were merged into NYCU, the both universities have promoted collaborative researches and student exchanges with NAIST based on exchanges agreements.

From 2013 to 2016, NCTU and NAIST held a joint symposium, where students and professors (a few hundred in total) interacted and had fruitful discussions.

As actual collaborations, more than 30 NYMU and NYCU students have participated in internship programs at NAIST, and more than 40 NAIST students have attended to conferences in Taiwan and visited NYMU and NYCU.

Furthermore, since 2017, Double Degree Program was started (2017 for NTCU, 2020 for NYCU), and a few students have already obtained PhD degree through this program.

Establishment of the collaborative laboratory is expected to accelerate not only such student exchanges but also research collaborations. NCTU and NAIST will keep laboratory rooms in each university.

The rooms will be utilized as a base for students and researchers who collaborate with laboratories of these universities.

The collaborative laboratory as a hub for both universities will be a culture to foster excellent Taiwanese and Japanese students and will progress cutting-edge research, especially in fields of photonics biotechnology.

 ▶ Link to: Taiwan Interdisciplinary Nano/Bio Symposium in Kansai Program