For prospective students who would like to join our group
Our group study synthesis, characterization, and device application of bulk inorganic luminescent materials. (Our main interest is NOT chemistry but physics). Although we synthesize materials, most scientific discussions are done in solid state physics and ionizing radiation physics and devices.
Required knowledge level: we ask students to read the following books and understand the basic solid state physics and quantum mechanics before the participation to our group.
・Solid state physics: Introduction to solid state physics (C. Kittel)
・Basic quantum mechanics: Principles of Quantum Mechanics (P. A. M. Dirac)If you understand above texts, you can apply your knowledge to device physics easily. These courses are offered in most Japanese universities in physics or related subjects in the third or fourth year of the undergraduate courses.
Below are brief checks for your understanding about solid state physics and quantum mechanics relating to luminescence phenomena. If you cannot answer, it will be very difficult to catch up averaged-level Japanese students in the group.
In this energy diagram (left), can you roughly sketch the observed spectrum?
By the observed spectrum (right), can you roughly sketch the energy diagram?
These are minimum required level for students who would like to join our group. If your level is far from other averaged level students, we can’t compensate, and study very hard by yourself. NAIST is not a high school but a graduate school, so students are required to study by themselves.
In addition to the basic knowledge, we inform you about the incomes for your daily life. Unlike western countries, the number of students in one laboratory in Japan is large so it is impossible for us to support your incomes for daily life, school fees and enrollment fee. We do not have any extra budgit for the sulary of each student. So if you would like to join our group, you must be enough wealth or get some scholarship of government or companies by yourself. Before the contact, please be sure to consider your economic condition.