Functional Organic Chemistry Lab.

We focus on the development of functional organic materials including organic semiconductors, highly fluorescent dyes, near-infrared (NIR) dyes, and carbon nanomaterials.

We are fascinated by beautiful and huge organic structures with high symmetry.



We started new academic year!



We design and synthesize novel π-conjugated compounds, evaluate their physical properties, and explore their new functions.

Construction of π-conjugated molecules with beautiful shapes and novel functionality

We are developing new synthesis methods for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as nanocarbons and oligoacenes, which have a unique shape and are chemically stable with an extended π-conjugated system. We are also synthesizing highly efficient light-emitting materials by utilizing typical elements and their material features.

Molecular design of novel nanocarbon materials with absorption and emission in the near-infrared region

We are interested in designing molecules with long wavelength absorption and luminescence. We have treated fullerenes, which have been mainly used as electron-accepting materials, as chromophores and succeeded in creating luminescent molecules that work in the near-infrared region.

Publications & Activity


Large Oligorylene

Ryuichi' work(a series of oligorylenes)is now on Chem. Eur. J.!


NAIST Best Student Award

Our students awarded NAIST Best Student Award in 2023


Top Downloaded Article

Keiji's paper in ChemPhotoChem was top-downloaded!


Large Arylenes

Ryo's paper was selected as HOT paper in Chem. Eur. J.!!


The Chemical Society of Japan Annual Meeting

We participated and presented at the 103rd Spring Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan.


Other Publications


For Students


Join us in the Functional Organic Chemistry Laboratory!

We welcome students who love organic synthesis, who are interested in the structure of organic compounds and their photophysical and electronic properties, and who are interested in the development of functional organic materials.



Dr. Naoki Aratani


CV | Achievements | Researcher IDORCID iDresearchmap


Dr. Ryoko Oyama

Assistant Professor

CV | ORCID iDresearchmapResearcher ID
E-mail: oyama.ryoko[at]

D3 Amrutha Manoj Lena Granite奨学生/2024年4月~8月ドイツ留学
D3 Aissam Okba Double Degree Program / 1年のプログラムを終えてフランスに帰国
M2 清水 結佳 Yuka Shimizu 社会人修士
M2 笠倉 望路 Nozomi Kasakura 第33回基礎有機化学討論会ポスター発表(ポスター賞受賞)
M1 久間 響 Hibiki Kyuma
M1 出来 晴彦 Haruhiko Deki
M1 平川 美穂 Miho Hirakawa CSJフェスタ2024 ポスター発表/日本化学会第105春季年会 口頭発表
M1 山﨑 創矢 Soya Yamasaki 日本化学会第105春季年会 口頭発表
