Overview and History

Create new materials and functions through a deep understanding of the mechanisms of materials

The development of new materials and devices is a fundamental technology that supports cutting-edge advancements. The Division of Materials Science works to fundamentally elucidate the interaction between the structure, properties, and functions of these new materials at the electronic, atomic, and molecular levels. Simultaneously, we incorporate the techniques of materials informatics to design and create diverse functional materials, ultimately achieving a comprehensive engineering approach that links to the development of new devices. The research outcomes in this field manifest as the construction of new theories, the discovery of new phenomena, the creation of new functional materials, the provision of new devices and technologies, as well as the invention of innovative devices. These accomplishments enrich the future of humanity.

Contribute to society through the creation of new materials, structures, and functions

In a wide range of fields including information communications and electronics, environment and energy, biotechnology, and medicine, we provide fundamental technologies to create next-generation industries and realize an affluent and sustainable society. We also contribute to the creation of new materials and functional materials that support sustainable human development and a happy society in the future.

Outstanding research achievements and an excellent research environment that supports them

The ratio of faculty members to students is high, and the faculty consists of a diverse group of internationally active professors and associate professors. We have achieved outstanding results and have a track record of receiving abundant external funding, including Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI). All laboratories are equipped with the latest experimental facilities, and spacious environments allowing students to fully engage in research and study.

Top-Class Research Capabilities

Results of the evaluation by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the business performance of National University Corporations and Inter-University Research Institute Corporations during the third mid-term objective period (at the end of the sixth year) (R5.3.23).
https://www.mext.go.jp/content/1420400_010_000001324.pdf (Japanese only).
Evaluation of “Goals for Education” : Highest ranked 2 universities
Evaluation of “Goals for research” : Highest ranked 18 universities
Evaluation of “Goals for Social Collaboration and Community Orientation” : Highest ranked 34 universities

Detailed education and research guidance

Number of students per full-time faculty member: Approx. 4.5 students
(Average of about 5.5 for national university graduate schools, average of about 33.1 for private university graduate schools)
*As of April 2023 (total number of students in master’s and doctoral programs)/number of full-time faculty members


Date Event
May 1996 The Graduate School of Materials Science was established.
Prof. Yukio Imanishi is appointed and serves as Acting Dean.
April 1997 Prof. Hiroshi Daimon, Prof. Takashi Fuyuki, Prof. Kiyomi Kakiuchi and Prof. Masao Tanihara join our faculty.
March 1998 Completion of the first stage of the Graduate School of Materials Science building construction (North building E and the auditorium)
April 1998 Prof. Kouji Kushida, Prof. Masaki Aihara, Prof. Masahiro Nunoshita, Prof. Tadasi Shioki, Prof. Jun’ichi Kikuchi, Prof. Mikio Kataoka, and Prof. Yoshiaki Obuke join our faculty.
The first students for the master’s program are admitted.
The Research and Education Center for Materials Science is established.
Prof. Kenji Koga joins our faculty.
Prof. Kouji Kushida is elected as the Dean of the Center.
February 2000 Completion of the second stage of the Graduate School of Materials Science building construction (West F building)
May 2000 Prof. Hiroo Hashizume joins our faculty.
March 2001 The first Master’s degree awarded. (The first students of master’s program)
April 2001 Prof. Kouji Kushida iss elected as the Dean of the Graduate School of Materials Science.
Prof. Kenji Koga is elected as the Dean of the Center.
The first students for doctoral program are admitted.
February 2001 Completion of the third stage of the Graduate School of Materials Science building construction (South E and East F buildings)
March 2002 Prof. Kouji Kushida and Prof. Yukio Imanishi retire.
April 2002 Prof. Yoshihiko Kanemitsu is promoted.
Prof. Mikio Kataoka is elected as the Dean of the Graduate School.
Prof. Takashi Fuyuki is elected as the Dean of the Center.
May 2002 Prof. Michiya Fujiki joins our faculty.
September 2002 The first Doctoral degree is awarded. (Completed in accelerated program.)
March 2003 The first students of the doctoral program graduate.
Prof. Kenji Koga retires.
March 2004 Prof. Tsuyoshi Kawai joins our faculty.
April 2004 NAIST becomes National University Corporation.
Prof. Mikio Kataoka is elected as the Dean of the Graduate School.
Prof. Masahiro Nunoshita is elected as the Vice Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean of the Center.
Prof. Kiyomi Kakiuchi is elected as the Assistant to the President.
October 2004 Prof. Jun Ohta is promoted.
March 2005 Prof. Hiroo Hashizume retires.
April 2005 Prof. Mikio Kataoka is elected as the Dean of the Graduate School.
Prof. Masahiro Nunoshita is elected as the Vice Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean of the Center.
Prof. Hiroshi Daimon, Prof. Kiyomi Kakiuchi, Prof. Yoshiaki Kobuke and Prof. Masao Tanihara are elected as the Assistants to the President.
March 2006 Prof. Yoshihiko Kanemitsu leaves the Graduate School.
April 2006 Prof. Hisao Yanagi and Prof. Hitoshi Kawaguchi join our faculty.
March 2007 Prof. Yoshiaki Kobuke retires.
April 2007 Prof. Kiyomi Kakiuchi is elected as the Dean of the Graduate School.
Prof. Takashi Fuyuki is elected as the Vice Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean of the Center.
Prof. Tadashi Shiosaki and Prof. Jun-ichi Kikuchi are elected as the Assistants to the President.
Prof. Shun Hirota joins our faculty.
March 2008 Prof. Masahiro Nunoshita retires.
March 2009 Prof. Tadashi Shiosaki retires.
April 2009 Prof. Masao Tanihara is elected as the Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean of the Center.
Prof. Jun Ohta is elected as the Vice Dean of the Graduate School.
Prof. Kiyomi Kakiuchi is elected as the Vice President.
Prof. Tsuyoshi Kawai is elected as the Assistants to the President.
Prof. Yukiharu Uraoka is promoted.
April 2011 Prof. Hiroshi Daimon is elected as the Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean of the Center.
Prof. Junichi Kikuchi is elected as the Vice Dean of the Graduate School.
Prof. Mikio Kataoka is elected as the Vice President.
Prof. Yukiharu Uraoka is elected as the Assistants to the President.
Specific Research Laboratories are established. (Green Material, Green Device Science, Green Nano System, Green Bio-Nano)
March 2012 Prof. Masaki Aihara retires.
April 2012 Photofunctional Organic Chemistry is established and Prof. Hiroko Yamada is promoted.
April 2013 Prof. Kiyomi Kakiuchi is elected as the Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean of the Center.
Prof. Hitoshi Kawaguchi is elected as the Vice Dean of the Graduate School.
Prof. Mikio Kataoka is elected as the trustee and the Vice President.
Prof. Jun Ohta and Prof. Tsuyoshi Kawai are elected as the Assistants to the President.
Organic Electronics Laboratory is established.
January 2015 Nanomaterials and Polymer Chemitry Laboratory is established and Associate Prof. Hiroharu Ajiro is promoted.
March 2015 Prof. Mikio Kataoka and Prof. Hitoshi Kawaguchi retire.
April 2015 Sencing Device Laboratory is established and Prof. Takayuki Yanagida is promoted.
Complex Molecular Systems Laboratory and Laser Nano -Manipulation Science Laboratory are established.
Prof. Kiyomi Kakiuchi is elected as the Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean of the Center.
Prof. Jun Ohta is elected as the Vice Dean of the Graduate School.
Prof. Hisao Yanagi and Prof. Hiroko Yamada are elected as the Assistants to the President.
April 2016 Bio-processing Engineering Laboratory is established
March 2017 Prof. Masao Tanihara retires.
April 2017 Prof. Kiyomi Kakiuchi is elected as the trustee and the Vice President.
Prof. Jun Ohta is elected as the Dean of the Graduate School.
Prof. Tsuyoshi Kawai is elected as the Vice Dean of the Graduate School.
Prof. Shun Hirota and Prof. Hiroko Yamada are elected as the Assistants to the President.
Precision Polymer Design and Engineering Laboratory and Materials Informatics Laboratory are established
March 2018 Prof. Junuchi Kikuchi retires.
April 2018 Three graduate schools were integrated into the Graduate School of Science and Technology.
Prof. Jun Ohta is elected as the Director, Division of Materials Science.
Prof. Tsuyoshi Kawai is elected as the Vice Director, Division of Materials Science.
Data Driven Chemistry Laboratory Laboratory is established.
Biomimetic and Technomimetic Molecular Science Laboratory is established and Prof. Gwénaël Rapenne is promoted.
March 2019 Prof. Hiroshi Daimon and Prof. Michiya Fujiki retires.
April 2019 Prof. Masakazu Nakamura is elected as the Assistants to the President.
Nanomaterials and Polymer Chemistry Laboratory is established.
October 2019 Surface and Material Science Physics Laboratory is established.
Prof. Tomohiro Matsushita is promoted.
March 2020 Prof. Kiyomi Kakiuchi retires.
April 2021 Prof.Jun Ohta is elected as Exective Director and Vice President.
Prof. Tsuyoshi Kawai is elected as Dean, Graduate School of Science and Technology, and Director, Division of Materials Science.
Prof. Yukiharu Uraoka is elected as Dean, Research and Education Center for Materials Science, and Deputy Director, Division of Materials Science.
Prof.Masakazu Nakamura and Prof.Hiroko Yamada are elected as Advisors to the President.
Materials Informatics Laboratory is established and Prof. Mikiya Fujii is promoted.
April 2022 Prof. Hironari Kamikubo is elected as the Assistants to the President.
March 2023 Prof. Hisao Yanagi retires.
April 2023 Prof. Shun Hirota is elected as Director, Division of Materials Science,
Prof. Tsuyoshi Kawai is elected as the Assistants to the President.
Quantum Photo-Science Laboratory is established.
May 2023 Interfaces, Molecules and Materials Laboratory is established and Prof. Martin Vaca Blanca is promoted.
July 2023 Metrology Informatics Laboratory is established and Prof. Shigetaka Tomiya is promoted.
October 2023 Prof. Hiroyuki Katsuki is promoted.
April 2024 Prof. Naoki Aratani is promoted.