
奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 先端科学技術研究科
物質創成科学領域 光情報分子科学研究室 助教
〒630-0192 奈良県生駒市高山町8916-5
E-mail: myamada@ms.naist.jp

Mihoko Yamada

Assistant Professor
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Science and Technology
Division of Material Science, Laboratory for Photonic Molecular Science
8916-5 Takayama-cho, Ikoma, Nara 630-0192

Curriculum Vitae

2004.4-2008.3           Kanazawa University
                                B.Sc. in Department of Science (Supervisor: Prof. Masatatsu Suzuki)
2008.4-2010.3           The University of Tokyo
           M.Sc. in Graduate School of Science (Supervisor: Prof. Mitsuhiko Shionoya)
2010.4-2013.3           The University of Tokyo
           Ph.D. student in Graduate School of Science
           (Supervisor: Prof. Mitsuhiko Shionoya)
           Doctoral thesis:  "Development of Novel Cyclometallated Complexes with
           Pyridyl-Pendant Corannulenes"
2011.7-2011.10         Freie Universität Berlin(Prof. Dieter Lentz)
           Visiting international student in Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry
2012.4-2013.3           JSPS research fellow (DC2)
2013.4-2014.3           JSPS research fellow (PD)
           (Prof. shunichi Fukuzmi, Graduagte School of Enginnering, Osaka University)
2014.4-2015.3   Postdoctoral fellow (Prof. Shunichi Fukuzmi, Graduagte School of Enginnering, Osaka University)
2015.4-2015.6   Postdoctoral fellow (Prof. Takumi Konno, Graduagte School of Science, Osaka University)
2015.7-2018.3    Specially appointed assistant professor
            (Prof. Takumi Konno, Graduagte School of Science, Osaka University)
2018.4-        Assistant professor
            (Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology)

Research Interests

Coordination chemistry, Supramolecular chemistry, Photochemistry


2010.8        Poster Presentation Award in Summer School of Young Coordination Chemist’s
       Association Japan
2013.6        Poster Presentation Award in Summer School of Photochemistry Young Scientists
2016.8    The 3rd Japan-Taiwan-Singapore-Hong Kong Quadrilateral Symposium on Coordination
       Chemistry Best Poster Award

Research Society

The Chemical Society of Japan
Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry
The Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Graphene Research Society


Drinking tea and reading books.