What's new!
2024. 10. 25 Mr. Imai (M2) won the Poster Award at 3rd International Symposium on Photonic and Electronic Molecular Machines.
2024. 10. 9 Publications was updated.
2024. 9. 20 Mr. Muto (M2)'s paper was accepted and published in ChemPhysChem.
2024. 8. 29 Mr. Imai (M2)'s paper was accepted and published in J. Mater. Chem. C.
2023. 10. 12 The co-authored textbook "SDGs無機化学の基礎、矢野重信・木下勇・山下剛士 企画・監修、培風館" has been published.
2022. 7. 23 Publications was updated.
2022. 7. 11 Paper about Photochromic Corannulene (Chem. Eur. J., 2022, in press.) was highlighted in ChemistryViews.
2022. 6.16 Mr. Sawazaki's paper was accepted and published as Accepted Articles in Chem. Eur. J.
2018. 4. 2 I joined in the laboratoy for photonic molecular science.