
奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 先端科学技術研究科 物質創成科学領域 ナノ高分子材料研究室

TEL. 0743-72-5508

8916-5 Takayama-cho, Ikoma, Nara 630-0192, JAPAN




For the polymer materials, the high performance properties and effective functions are achieved when the polymer structure and the effective polymer-polymer interaction were controlled. Therefore, 4 stages of the polymer material research are important; Molecular design, Polymer structure control, Polymer-polymer interaction, and the control of High performance & Functionalization. In our laboratory, we design and synthesize the novel monomers at molecular level to create high performance polymers and functional polymers by the controlled polymerization and nanostructure control.
<Target examples> Nano particles, Nano films, Microgel, Eelectronspinning, Precise polymerization, Highly mechanical strengthen polymer, Highly thermal resistant polymer, Amphiphilic polymer, Gas hydrate inhibitor, Thermal storage material, Water retaining material, Hydrogel, Water harvest material, Selective adheshion material, Drug delivery system, Degradation control, Biodegradable polymer, Bioabsorbalbe polymers, Degradation control, Thermosensitive polymer, pH responsive polymer, Photoresponsive polymer, Antibacterial polymer, Cell adhesion, and so on.

Four Sub groups

(A) Novel Functional Polymer Creation

Based on the Molecular Technology, the novel functional polymers and high performance polymers are designed and created.

(B) Precise Polymerization

Based on the Precise polymerization, the novel functional polymers and high performance polymers are designed and created.

(C) Multifunctional Degradable Polymers

  Based on the chemical modification of biodegradable polymers, the new medical polymers and environmentally friendly materials are designed and created.

(D) Polymer Material Engineering

  Based on the processing, the novel polymer materials are desgined and created.

Current Projects

  • 2020.4~2024.3 Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (B) (General)
  • 2020.4~2022.3 Grant in Aid for scientific Research on Innovatiove Areas (Research in a Proposed Research Area)(Publicly Offered Research)
  • 2020.4~2022.3 TEPCO Memorial Foundation
  • 2020.4~2022.3 Research Foundation for the Electrotechnology of Chubu
  • 2020.4~2022.3 AMED (Osaka University, Seed project)
  • 2019.11~2021.3 JST A-STEP
  • 2019.10~2022.3 JSPS Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research(Fostering Joint International Research (B))
  • 2018.4~2022.3 JSPS Bilateral Joint Research Projects (Thailand-Japan)


Contact Information

8916-5 Takayama-cho, Ikoma,
Nara630-0192, JAPAN
Nara Institute of Science and Technology,
Graduate School of Science and Technology,
Division of Materials Science
Building E, 3rd floor
Nanomaterials and Polymer Chemistry Laboratory

■ Prof. Hiroharu AJIRO (room E309)
E-mail: ajiro[*]ms.naist.jp
TEL: 0743-72-5508
FAX: 0743-72-5509

※Change [*] to @ for e-mail.