

第3回物構研サイエンスフェスタ, 茨城県つくば市, 2015年3月17-18日

  1. 上久保 裕生

The 3rd International Symposium on Dynamical Ordering of Biomolecular Systems for Creation of Integrated Functions, 三重県志摩市, 2015年1月11-12日

  1. H. Kamikubo, M.Kataoka
    Exploring regulatory association and dissociation processes of biological molecules constituting a functional module
  2. K. Yonezawa, H. Kamikubo, K. Yoshida, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Protonation State of Arginine 52 in Photoactive Yellow Ptotein
  3. Y. Keito, H. Kamikubo, K. Yonezawa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Relationship of the photoreactions of two sensor domains in PYP-Phytochrome Related Protein
  4. H. Tanaka, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Analysis of amyloid formation and inhibition mechanisms of human calcitonin
  5. A. Kawamura, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    The elucidation of the relationship between b4-5 loop region and the chromophore environment in PYPs
  6. S. Aoyagi, M. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Characterization of the denatured structure of staphylococcal nuclease by tryptophan triplet state lifetime measurements

第4回生物系科学における学術研究の動向を探る, 北海道千歳市, 2015年1月11日

  1. 片岡幹雄

分子システム研究における溶液散乱, 愛知県岡崎市, 2014年12月20日

  1. 上久保裕生

The 7th Korea-Japan Seminars on Biomolecular Sciences: Experiments and Simulations, Seoul, Korea, 2014年11月26−28日

  1. H. Kamikubo
    Molecular actions in the light sensor protein, Photoactive Yellow Protein(招待講演)

OSU Joint Physics/Chemistry/Biochemistry Colloquium/Seminar, Oklahoma State University, 2014年11月5−6日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Structure and photoreaction of photoactive yellow protein

16th International Conference on Retinal Proteins, 滋賀県長浜市, 2014年10月5−10日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Structure and photoreaction of photoactive yellow protein
  2. Y. Yamazaki, Y. Matsumoto, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Analysis for different property of light induced structural changes between two PYPs
  3. K. Yonezawa, H. Kamikubo, K. Yoshida, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Structural change in Arginine 52 of photoactive yellow protein during the photoreaction
  4. K. Yoshida, H. Kamikubo, K. Yonezawa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Light-induced structural change of PYP-phytochrome related protein
  5. A. Kawamura, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    The elucidation of the relationship between β4-5 loop region and the chromophore environment in PYPs

第270回 光ナノサイエンス特別講義, 奈良県生駒市, 2014年10月1日

  1. 上久保裕生

第1回「動的秩序と機能」若手研究会, 宮城県刈田郡蔵王町, 2014年9月28−30日

  1. 米澤健人, 上久保裕生, 吉田桂人, 山崎洋一, 片岡幹雄
    Photoactive Yellow Proteinにおけるアルギニン52のプロトン化状態
  2. 青柳貞利, 山口真理子, 上久保裕生, 山崎洋一, 片岡幹雄
    トリプトファン三重項寿命を用いたStaphylococcal nucleaseの変性構造の評価
  3. 岡部龍二, 上久保裕生, 山崎洋一, 片岡幹雄

第52回日本生物物理学会年会, 北海道札幌市, 2014年9月25−27日

  1. H. Kamikubo
    Molecular actions of the light sensor protein, Photoactive Yellow Protein, as a prototype for sensor proteins
  2. Y. Yamazaki, Y. Matsumoto, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Analysis for different property of light induced structural changes between two PYPs
  3. K. Yonezawa, H. Kamikubo, K. Yoshida, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Protonation State of Arginine 52 in Photoactive Yellow Protein
  4. K. Yoshida, H. Kamikubo, K. Yonezawa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Relationship of the photoreactions between two sensor domains in PYP-Phytochrome Related Protein
  5. R. Okabe, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Development of a microfluidics-based auto-sample changer for solution X-ray scattering
  6. H. Tanaka, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Analysis of amyloid formation and inhibition mechanisms of human calcitonin
  7. S. Aoyagi, M. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Characterization of the denatured structure of staphylococcal nuclease by tryptophan triplet state lifetime measurements
  8. A. Kawamura, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    The elucidation of the relationship between β4-5 loop region and the chromophore environment in PYPs
  9. M. Noji, M. Arakawa, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, . Kataoka
    Acid induced proton transfer in Photoactive Yellow Protein

The 14th KIAS Conference on Protein Structure and Function, Seoul Korea, 2014年9月18−20日

  1. H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    The potential uses of structure and function elements (招待講演)

高エネルギー加速器研究機構「第8回大学生のための素粒子・原子核、物質・生命スクール」サマーチャレンジ2014, 茨城県つくば市, 2014年8月23−24日

  1. 上久保裕生

新学術領域研究「動的秩序と機能」班会議, 石川県小松市, 2014年8月4−7日

  1. 上久保裕生

東京理科大学総合研究機構「分子連関相乗系研究部門」セミナー,東京都新宿区, 2014年7月26日

  1. 上久保裕生

The 2nd International Symposium on Science at J-PARC,つくば市, 2014年7月12−15日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Protein Dynamics and Structure Studied by Neutron Scattering(招待講演)

第14回日本蛋白質科学会年会, 横浜市, 2014年6月25−27日

  1. 上久保裕生
  2. 山崎洋一、松本寛史、上久保裕生、片岡幹雄
    Rhodobacter capsulatus PYP結晶構造に見られる活性中間体様構造の解析

8th IUPAP International Conference on Biological Physics, Beijing, China, 2014年6月18−22日

  1. M. Kataoka
    FRET Analysis of Denatured Staphylococcal Nuclease(招待講演)

第2回タンパク質X線溶液散乱講習会, つくば市, 2014年6月3−4日

  1. 上久保裕生

第47回量子物理化学セミナー兼理数GPセミナー, 横浜市, 2014年6月4日

  1. 上久保裕生


第69回日本物理学会年次大会, 平塚市, 2014年3月27−30日

  1. 冨士香奈、藤崎弘士、吉田忠臣、芝るみ、山口真理子、戸田幹人
    核酸分解酵素Staphylococcal nucleaseの分子動力学に対する時系列解析:活性低下における水、リガンド、ループの関係性

SPring-8 ワークショップ「SPring-8とユーザーのさらなる連携を目指して」, 兵庫県佐用郡佐用町, 2014年2月1−2日

  1. 上久保裕生

新学術領域研究「動的秩序と機能」第2回国際シンポジウム, 京都市, 2014年1月11−12日

  1. H. Kamikubo
    Exploring regulatory association and dissociation processes of biological molecules constituting a functional module(招待講演)
  2. Y. Yamazaki, M. Shimada, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Interaction sites analysis for the photoactive yellow protein of Rhodobacter capsulatus
  3. M. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Local disordered structure of staphylococcal nuclease studied by tryptophan triplet state lifetime measurement
  4. T. Matsumoto, M. Yamaguchi, R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Loop dynamics of staphylococcal nuclease in microsecond timescale
  5. T. Minemura, M. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Local flexibility around tryptophan140 and its relationship to non-local interaction in disordered staphylococcal nuclease
  6. T. Morimoto, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Extraction of function elements from green fluorescent protein
  7. M. Noji, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Protonation state of R52 at the pypm intermediate state
  8. H. Matsumoto, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    X-ray crystal structure analysis of the Photoactive Yellow Protein of Rhodobacter capsulatus
  9. Y. Matsumoto, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Analysis of Equilibrium of intermediate states of PYP by use of chimera proteins
  10. E. Ohta, T. Watanabe, T. Muto, Y. Kishi, M. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, T. Hohsaka, M. Kataoka
    Statistical characteristics of unfolded staphylococcal nuclease studied by FRET analysis
  11. M. Arakawa, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Roles of functional elements transplanted into the artificial enzyme

第3回生物系科学における学術研究の動向を探る, 札幌市, 2014年1月12日

  1. 片岡幹雄

1st International Picobiology Institute Symposium, Hyogo, 2014年1月07日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Structure and photoreaction of photoactive yellow protein(招待講演)

Sixth Korea-Japan Seminars on Biomolecular Sciences:Experiments and Simulations, Okazaki, Japan, 2013年11月25−27日

  1. H. Kamikubo
    Functional modification of a protein by using element implantaion(招待講演)

GIST-NCTU-NAIST International Joint Symposium 2013, Ikoma, Japan, 2013年11月21−26日

  1. D. Novitasari, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Excited-state proton transfer in fluorescent Photoactive Yellow Protein containing 7-hydroxycoumarin

分子科学研究所研究会:ロドプシン研究の故きを温ねて新しきを知る, 岡崎市, 2013年11月18−19日

  1. 山崎洋一
  2. 松本芳晃、山崎洋一、上久保裕生、山口真理子、片岡幹雄
  3. 野路将義、上久保裕生、山崎洋一、山口真理子、片岡幹雄

第51回日本生物物理学会年会, 京都市, 2013年10月28−30日

  1. M. Kataoka, H. Kamikubo, F. Schotte, H. S. Cho, P. Anfinrud
    Time-resolved Laue crystallography of photoactive yellow protein with 150psec time resolution
  2. H. Nakagawa, M. Kataoka
    Translation diffusion dynamics of protein hydration water and its dynamical coupling with protein dynamics
  3. M. Deshpande, P. Parui, M. Yamanaka, S.i Nagao, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka, H. Komori, Y. Higuchi, S. Hirota
    Domain-Swapped Oligomerization and Molten Globule State of Cytochrome c
  4. Y. Yamazaki, M. Shimada, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Analysis of interaction sites on the Photoactive Yellow Protein of Rhodobacter capsulatus
  5. R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, Y. Maruyama, J. Yunoki, K. Fukuyama, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    The role of the flexible loop in Staphylococcal nuclease on its catalytic activity
  6. D. Novitasari, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Exited State Proton Transfer of Fluorescent Photoactive Yellow Protein Reconstituted with Hydroxycoumarin
  7. K. Yonezawa, H. Kamikubo, K. Yoshida, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Protonation State of Arginine 52 in Photoactive Yellow Protein
  8. K. Yoshida, H. Kamikubo, K. Yonezawa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    X-ray Solution Scattering Studies of PYP-Phytochrome Related Protein
  9. E. Ohta, T. Muto, Y. Kishi, M. Yamaguchi, T. Watanabe, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, T. Hohsaka, M. Kataoka
    Analysis of unfolded structure of Staphylococcal nuclease mutants by using FRET
  10. T. Matsumoto, M. Yamaguchi, R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Main-chain dynamics of staphylococcal nuclease in microsecond timescale
  11. T. Minemura, M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Local flexibility of denatured structure and its relationship to non-local interaction in staphylococcal nuclease
  12. T. Morimoto, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Extraction of Function Elements from Green Fluorescent Protein
  13. M. Arakawa, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Roles of functional elements transplanted into the artificial enzyme
  14. H. Matsumoto, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    X-ray crystal structure analysis of the Photoactive Yellow Protein of Rhodobacter capsulatus
  15. Y. Matsumoto, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Analysis of Equilibrium of intermediate states of PYP by use of chimera proteins
  16. M. Noji, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Protonation state of R52 at the PYPM intermediate state

生命システムにおける動的秩序形成と高次機能発現 第1回公開シンポジウム, 岡崎市, 2013年10月2日

  1. 上久保裕生

日本物理学会2013年秋季大会, 徳島市, 2013年9月25−28日

  1. 松本昇紘,山口真理子,芝るみ,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,片岡幹雄
    トリプトファン三重項寿命を用いたStaphylococcal nucleaseの主鎖の運動性評価

The International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2013年9月17−18日

  1. D. Novitasari, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Excited-state proton transfer in fluorescent Photoactive Yellow Protein containing 7-hydroxycoumarin

分子・物質合成プラットフォーム技術研修会, 京都市, 2013年8月22日

  1. 上久保裕生
    X線溶液散乱法を用いたタンパク質構造の解析 (招待講演)

Telluride Conference on Protein Dynamics 2013, Telluride, USA, 2013年8月5−9日

  1. M. Kataoka
    The mechanism of induced folding of Staphylococcal nuclease (招待講演)

NAIST未来開発コロキウム~明日をつくる分子・人材ネットワーク, 生駒市, 2013年8月9日

  1. 上久保裕生
    折り畳み機構を踏まえた蛋白質分子設計法の開発 (招待講演)

国際高等研究所研究プロジェクト「分子基盤に基づく生体機能への揺らぎとダイナミックネットワークの解明」第2回研究プログラム, 京都市, 2013年8月8日

  1. 上久保裕生

第3回CIMoSセミナー, 岡崎市, 2013年6月28日

  1. 上久保裕生
    光センサー蛋白質の局所状態変化と全体構造変化 (招待講演)

第13回日本蛋白質科学会年会,鳥取市, 2013年6月12−14日

  1. 上久保裕生
    Photoactive Yellow Protein中の低障壁水素結合と近傍アルギニンの解離性 (招待講演)
  2. 芝るみ

8th Asian Biophysics Association Symposium , Jeju, Korea 2013年5月26−29日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Is tertiary structure required for a specific function?
  2. R. Shiba
    The role of the flexible loop in Staphylococcal nuclease on its catalytic activity

国際高等研究所研究プロジェクト「分子基盤に基づく生体機能への揺らぎとダイナミックネットワークの解明」第1回研究プログラム, 京都市, 2013年4月21日

  1. 上久保裕生

American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting 2013, Baltimore, USA 2013年3月17−22日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Is tertiary structure really required for specific function of a protein?(招待講演)

The 4th Japan-France Joint Symposium "Imaging of spatiotemporal hierarchies in living cells -An overview of dynamics from molecules to cells-", Kouto, Hyogo, Japan, 2013年1月7−11日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Structure and photoreaction of photoactive yellow protein(招待講演)


第38回量子物理科学セミナー, 横浜, 2012年12月21日

  1. 上久保裕生

The 6th International Symposium on Molecular Science of Fluctuations toward Biological Functions(「揺らぎと生体機能」第6回公開シンポジウム), Kyoto, Japan, 2012年12月5−6日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Structure, dynamics and function of staphylococcal nuclease(招待講演)
  2. M. Kataoka, H. Nakagawa
    Effect of hydration on protein dynamics
  3. R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, J. Yunoki, K. Fukuyama, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    The role of the flexible loop in staphylococcal nuclease on its catalytic activity
  4. D. Novitasari, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Fluorescence properties of chromophore-modified photoactive yellow protein
  5. E. Ohta, T. Muto, Y. Kishi, M. Yamaguchi, K. Shiraga, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, T. Hohsaka, M. Kataoka
    The comparison of fluorescent spectra between wild type staphylococcal nuclease and the mutants based on FRET
  6. N. Kohzuki, H. Kamikubo, T. Aizawa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Amyloid fibril inhibition mechanism of human calcitonin
  7. M. Sakonji, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Extraction of the structure elements from PYP
  8. M. Shimada, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Analysis of interaction sites on the photoactive yellow protein of Rhodobacter capsulatus with chimeric proteins
  9. M. Narumi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Roles of hydrogen bonds around chromophore in photoactive yellow protein studied by OH-deficient cinnamic acid
  10. K. Yoshida, H. Kamikubo, K. Yonezawa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Structural analysis of PYP-phytochrome related protein during its photoreaction by using small angle X-ray scattering
  11. K. Yonezawa, H. Kamikubo, K. Yoshida, S. Yamaguchi, T. Tamada, K. Kurihara, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Protonation state of arginine 52 near the low barrier hydrogen bond in photoactive yellow protein

Nikko Joint Conference between 10th International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and 5th Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers (QENS & WINS 2012), Nikko, Japan, 2012年9月30日−10月4日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Protein dynamics and hydration water(招待講演)

第50回日本生物物理学会年会, 名古屋, 2012年9月22−24日

  1. H. Kamikubo, E. Sakai, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Element-based molecular design can reproduce an artificial protein with an expected enzymatic activity
  2. Y. Yamazaki, M. Shimada, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    The role of hydrogen bonding network around the chromophore for the interaction of Rc-PYP
  3. R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    The role of the flexible loop in Staphylococcal nuclease on its catalytic activity
  4. N. Kouduki, H. Kamikubo, T. Aizawa, Y. Ogawa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Amyloid fibril inhibition mechanism of human calcitonin
  5. M. Sakonji, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Effect of N-terminal region to the structure formation of PYP
  6. M. Shimada, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Analysis of interaction sites on the Photoactive Yellow Protein of Rhodobacter capsulatus with chimeric proteins
  7. M. Narumi, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Roles of hydrogen bonds around chromophore in Photoactive Yellow Protein studied by OH-deficient cinnamic acid
  8. K. Yoshida, H. Kamikubo, K. Yonezawa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Photoreaction of PYP domain regulates the structural change during the photoreaction of phytochrome domain of Ppr
  9. K. Yonezawa, H. Kamikubo, K. Yoshida, S. Yamaguchi, T. Yamada, K. Kurihara, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Protonation state of arginine 52 near the low barrier hydrogen bond in photoactive yellow protein
  10. H. Nakagawa, M. Kataoka
    Kinetics of hydrogen-bonding of protein hydration water and its dynamical coupling with protein dynamics

新学術領域研究合同公開シンポジウム「ゆらぎと水-生命のエネルギーと機能の分子機構を探る」, 大阪, 2012年9月14−15日

  1. 片岡幹雄,中川洋

第12回日本蛋白質科学会年会, 名古屋, 2012年6月20-22日

  1. 芝るみ,上久保裕生,梅山美香,政さやか,山崎洋一,山口真理子,巌倉正寛,片岡幹雄

4th Japan-Korea Seminar on Biomolecular Sciences: Experiments and Simulations, Nara, Japan, 2012年1月9−11日

  1. M. Kataoka, H. Kamikubo, T. Hatsuda, M. Nakayama, N. Minamimura, S. Kayamura, C. Komeda, E. Sakai
    Molecular Anatomy of Staphylococcal Nuclease(招待講演)

The 5th International Symposium on Molecular Science of Fluctuations toward Biological Functions(「揺らぎと生体機能」第5回公開シンポジウム), Nara, Japan, 2012年1月7−8日

  1. T. Muto, E. Ohta, Y. Kishi, M. Yamaguchi, K. Shiraga, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, T. Hohsaka, M. Kataoka
    Incorporation of Fluorescent Non-natural Amino Acids into Staphylococcal Nuclease for FRET Analyses of Induced Folding
  2. H. Kamikubo, S. Yamaguchi, Y. Nishiguchi, K. Yonezawa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    The Roles of the Low Barrier Hydrogen Bond Involved in the Light Sensor Protein, Photoactive Yellow Protein
  3. M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Study on the Denatured Structure of Staphylococcal Nuclease by Using Tryptophan Triplet State Quenching
  4. R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, M. Umeyama, S. Tsukasa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Iwakura, M. Kataoka
    Refinement of Function Element of Dihydrofolate Reductase by the Systematic Alanine Insertion
  5. S. Ueynagi, H. Kamikubo, Y. Ogawa, C. Komeda, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Comparison of Structural Elements between Staphylococcal Nuclease and the C-terminal Domain of Human p100
  6. T. Okada, M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Denatured Structure of Staphylococcal Nuclease Studied by Quenching of Tryptophan Triplet State by Cysteine
  7. R. Odani, Y. Yamazaki, K. Matsumoto, M. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    The Role of N-terminal Region for Photoreaction of Various Photoactive Yellow Proteins
  8. E. Sakai, H. Kamikubo, A. Kogasaka, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Attempt of Functional Modification of a Protein by Element Implantation
  9. Y. Nishiguchi, H. Kamikubo, S. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Geometric Restriction Facilitates LBHB Formation in Photoactive Yellow Protein


Prospects of Quantum Beam Sciences at IMSS -Strongly Correlated Systems and Future ERL Science(物構研シンポジウム'11 量子ビーム化学の展望), Tsukuba, Japan, 2011年12月6−7日

  1. M. Kataoka
    The formation and role of low barrier hydrogen bond in photoactive yellow protein(招待講演)

1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering, Tsukuba, Japan, 2011年11月20−24日

  1. H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Physicochemical properties of low barrier hydrogen bonds involved in Photoactive Yellow Protein(招待講演)

2011 GIST-NAIST-NCTU Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials, Gwangju, Korea, 2011年11月14−21日

  1. H. Kamikubo
    Phyisicochemical properties of low barrier hydrogen bonds involved in proteins(招待講演)

17th International Biophysics Congress (IUPAB), Beijing, China, 2011年10月30日−11月3日

  1. H. Kamikubo, S. Yamaguchi, Y. Nishiguchi, K. Yonezawa, K. Kurihara, T. Tamada, M. Kataoka
    The roles of the low barrier hydrogen bond involved in Photoactive Yellow Protein
    (Best Poster Award受賞)
  2. R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, M. Umeyama, S. Tsukasa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Iwakura, M. Kataoka
    Refinement of function element of dihydrofolate reductase by the systematic alanine insertion
    (Best Poster Award受賞)
  3. M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Local structural change of staphylococcal nuclease wild type and its non-native mutant with guanidine hydrochloride monitored by tryptophan triplet quenching
  4. S. Ueyanagi, H. Kamikubo, Y. Ogawa, C. Komeda, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Comparison of structural elements between Staphylococcal nuclease and the C-terminal domain of Human p100

特定領域研究「高次系分子科学」第12回ミニ公開シンポジウム「光受容蛋白質」, 蒲郡, 2011年10月26−27日

  1. 上久保裕生

日本分光学会テラヘルツ分光部会シンポジウム「テラヘルツ分光法の最先端V」~バイオテラヘルツ分光~, 横浜, 2011年9月28−29日

  1. 片岡幹雄

第49回日本生物物理学会年会, 姫路, 2011年9月16−18日

  1. Y. Yamazaki, M. Hayashi, H. Kamikubo, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Solution structure of the complex states of Rhodobacter capsulatus PYP with its binding protein
  2. M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Difference in local structure between staphylococcal nuclease wild type and its non-native mutant studied by tryptophan triplet quenching
  3. R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, M. Umeyama, S. Tsukasa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Iwakura, M. Kataoka
    Classification of function element of dihydrofolate reductase by the systematic alanine insertion
  4. S. Ueyanagi, H. Kamikubo, Y. Ogawa, C. Komeda, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Comparison of structural elements between Staphylococcal nuclease and the C-terminal domain of Human p100
  5. T. Okada, M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Denatured Structure of Staphylococcal Nuclease Studied by Triplet State Quenching of Tryptophan by Cysteine
  6. R. Odani, Y. Yamazaki, K. Matsumoto, H. Kamikubo, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    The Role of N-terminal Region for Photoreaction of Various Photoactive Yellow Proteins
  7. E. Sakai, H. Kamikubo, A. Kogasaka, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Attempt of functional modification of a protein by element implantation
  8. S. Setoguchi, H. Kubo, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Development of Light dependent protein activity control system by use of interaction of the Rc-PYP
  9. Y. Nishiguchi, H. Kamikubo, S. Yamaguchi, T. Tamada, K. Kurihara, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Analysis of low barrier hydrogen bond in Photoactive Yellow Protein, Geometric restriction facilitates LBHB formation in PYP
  10. T. Muto, Y. Kishi, M. Yamaguchi, K. Shiraga, I. Iijima, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, T. Hosaka, M. Kataoka
    Structural Analysis of Intrinsically Disordered Protein Model using FRET
  11. S. Nagao, Y. Hattori, M. Ueda, M. Taketa, H. Osuka, H. Komori, H. Kamikubo, S. Negi, Y. Sugiura, M. Kataoka, Y. Higuchi, S. Hirota
    Cytochrome c polymerization by domain swapping

合同PF研究会「PFにおけるマイクロビームを利用した XAFS, XRF, SAXS実験の展望」, つくば, 2011年9月8−9日

  1. 上久保裕生

Telluride Conference on Protein Dynamics 2011, Telluride, USA, 2011年8月1−5日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Is tertiary structure required for a specific function?(招待講演)

九重分光関連夏期セミナー2011, 九重, 2011年7月29日−31日

  1. 上久保裕生

KOUJIKEI 5th Symposium(特定領域研究「分子高次系機能解明のための分子科学」第5回国際公開シンポジウム), Sapporo, Japan, 2011年7月11−13日

  1. H. Kamikubo
    Physicochemical properties of low barrier hydrogen bonds(招待講演)

3rd Japan-Korea Seminar on Biomolecular Sciences: Experiments and Simulations, Cheju-do, Korea, 2011年2月27日−3月1日

  1. M. Kataoka
    High resolution neutron crystallography of photoactive yellow protein -Discovery of low barrier hydrogen bond(招待講演)

The 7th Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) Symposium, New Delhi, India, 2011年1月30日−2月2日

  1. M. Kataoka
    High resolution neutron crystal structure of photoactive yellow protein: Discovery of low barrier hydrogen bond(招待講演)


International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM 2010), Honolulu, USA, 2010年12月15−20日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Low barrier hydrogen bond in photoactive yellow protein and its role in photoreaction(招待講演)


  1. 上久保裕生

The 4th International Symposium "Molecular Science of Fluctuations toward Biological Functions", Otsu, Japan, 2010年11月30日-12月1日

  1. H. Kamikubo, S. Tadokoro, M. Kataoka
    Fluctuation controls enzymatic activity of Staphylococcal nuclease
  2. M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Measurements of loop formation in the denatured state of staphylococcal nuclease
  3. H. Sawada, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    The investigation of the relationship between non-local interaction and the effect of single alanine insertion in staphylococcal nuclease
  4. R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, M. Umeyama, S. Tsukasa, M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, M. Iwakura, M. Kataoka
    Classification of the functional element of dihydrofolate reductase by the systematic alanine insertion
  5. Y. Kishi, T. Muto, M. Yamaguchi, I. Iijima, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, T. Hohsaka, M. Kataoka
    FRET analysis of structural changes in staphylococcal nuclease
  6. Z. Wang, Y. Hattori, S. Nagao, M. Taketa, H. Komori, H. Kamikubo, I. Takahashi, S. Negi, Y. Sugiura, M. Kataoka, Y. Higuchi, S. Hirota
    Cytochrome c polymerization by successive domain swapping at the C-terminal helix


  1. 片岡幹雄
  2. 中川洋,片岡幹雄


  1. M. Kataoka
    The mechanism of induced folding of Staphylococcal nuclease: Folding before binding or binding before folding?(招待講演)
  2. H. Kamikubo, A. Kogasaka, C. Komeda, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Synthesis of an artificial enzyme by implanting the functional elements of SNase
  3. Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Substitution effects of basic residues in the photoactive yellow protein of Rhodobacter caplsulatus
  4. M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Urea denaturation of staphylococcal nuclease monitored by tryptophan-cysteined distance
  5. H. Sawada, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    The investigation of the relationship between non-local interaction and the effect of single alanine insertion in staphylococcal nuclease
  6. R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, M. Umeyama, S. Tsukasa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Iwakura, M. Kataoka
    Classification of the functional element of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) by the systemic alanine insertion
  7. Y. Ogawa, H. Kamikubo, C. Komeda, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Property of a structural element of SNase-like domain in human p100
  8. C. Ahn, H. Kamikubo, H. Yoshioka, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    The role of each residue in the flexible lambda loop of Staphylococcal nuclease on the catalytic activity
  9. Y. Kishi, M. Yamaguchi, I. Iijima, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, T. Hohsaka, M. Kataoka
    FRET analysis of structural changes in Staphylococcal nuclease
  10. M. Naruse, H. Kamikubo, S. Kametaka, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, S. Waguri, S. Wakatsuki, M. Kataoka
    Solution structural analysis of Drosophila GGA
  11. M. Hayashi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Analysis of solution state of the interaction protein of Rc-PYP
  12. J. Miura, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Solution structure of the light sensor histidine kinase of Ppr comprised of the PYP and Bph domains
  13. S. Hirota, Y. Hattori, S. Nagao, M. Takeda, H.i Komori, H. Kamikubo, Z. Wang, I. Takahashi, S. Negi, Y. Sugiura, M. Kataoka, Y. Higuchi
    Cytochrome c polymerization by successive domain swapping at the C-terminal helix
  14. D. Hamada, H. Kamikubo, Y. Hagihara, M. Kataoka
    Intrinsically less-ordered bacterial effectors: A case of EspB from enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli
  15. T. Masui, S. Fujiwara, H. Nakagawa, M. Kataoka
    Effects of trehalose on the structures and dynamics of lipid membrane


  1. 山崎洋一,上久保裕生,片岡幹雄
    Photoactive Yellow Proteinにおける発色団の機能変調

The 4th Shanghai International Conference on Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Shanghai-Jiashan, China, 2010年8月8−11日

  1. M. Kataoka, H. Nakagawa
    Effect of hydration water on protein dynamics(招待講演)
  2. H. Sawada, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    The effect of alanine insertion mutation for folding process
  3. R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, M. Umeyama, S. Tsukasa, M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, M. Iwakura, M. Kataoka
    Extraction of the regions encoded foldability and/or functionability from dihydrofolate reductase by the systematic alanine insertion
    (Best Poster Award受賞)


  1. 芝るみ,上久保裕生,梅山美香,政さやか,山口真理子,山崎洋一,巌倉正寛,片岡幹雄
  2. 萩原義久,井上直和,浜田大三,上久保裕生,平田邦生,片岡幹雄,山本雅貴,伊川正人,岡部勝

Leopoldina-Symposium on the Complexity Connecting Biomolecular Structure and Solvation Dynamics, Bochum, Germany, 2010年5月25−27日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Effect of hydration on protein dynamics(招待講演)


  1. 上久保裕生


  1. 上久保裕生


  1. 上久保裕生
    分子内プロトン移動:Photoactive Yellow Proteinの水素結合構造から何がわかるのか(招待講演)


The 3rd International Symposium on "Molecular Science of Fluctuations toward Biological Functions"(第3回“揺らぎと生体機能”公開シンポジウム),名古屋大学豊田講堂,名古屋,2009年12月20−21日

  1. M. Onitsuka, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    The properties required for the binding before folding mechanism of the intrinsically disordered mutants of staphylococcal nuclease
  2. R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, M. Umeyama, S. Tsukasa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Iwakura, M. Kataoka
    Extraction of the regions encoded foldability and/or functionability from dihydrofolate reductase by the systematic alanine insertion
  3. H. Sawada, S. M. Budamagunta, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, C. J. Voss, M. Kataoka
    Structural characterization of the intrinsically disordered mutants of staphylococcal nuclease by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
  4. M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Local structure characterization of staphylococcal nuclease by lifetime measurement of tryptophan triplet state
  5. Y. Ogawa, H. Kamikubo, C. Komeda, M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Extraction of the structural element of SNase-like domain in human p100 by alanine insertion analysis


  1. 上久保裕生

The 1st NCTU-NAIST Workshop on "Molecular/Nano Science", National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2009年11月11−13日

  1. S. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Low barrier hydrogen bond in photoactive yellow protein and its role in photoreaction(招待講演)
  2. H. Sawada, M. S. Budamagunta, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, J. C. Voss, M. Kataoka
    Structural characterization of the intrinsically disordered mutants of staphylococcal nuclease by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy


  1. 山口繁生
    Low-barrier hydrogen bond in photoactive yellow protein(若手招待講演)
  2. 片岡幹雄
    Detection of thermal fluctuations of protein by neutron inelastic scattering(シンポジウム招待講演)
  3. H. Kubo, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Light dependent enzyme activity control by use of interaction of the Rc-PYP
  4. Y. Yamazaki, N. Ota, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Interaction mechanism of the photoactive yellow protein of Rhodobacter caplsulatus
  5. Y. Hamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    The low-temperature spectroscopy of Rc-PYP
  6. K. Matsumoto, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Analysis of the different properties in two PYPs by use of chimera proteins
  7. S. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, K. Kurihara, R. Kuroki, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Low-barrier hydrogen bond in photoactive yellow protein
  8. H. Yoshioka, S. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Crystallographic study of the alanine insertion mutants of Staphylococcal nuclease
  9. A. Kogasaka, H. Kamikubo, M. Onitsuka, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Attempt to create an artificial functional protein by exchange of functional elements
  10. K. Saito, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Kataoka
    Direct structural modulation of the structure element of SNase by using the azobenzene linkage
  11. M. Onitsuka, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    F-value analysis of induced folding: The role of the ligand binding in induced folding of disordered staphylococcal nuclease mutant
  12. H. Sawada, S. M. Budamagunta, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, C. J. Voss, M. Kataoka
    Structural characterization of the intrinsically disordered mutants of staphylococcal nuclease by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
  13. R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, M. Umeyama, S. Tsukasa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Yamaguchi, M. Iwakura, M. Kataoka
    Extraction of the regions encoded foldability and/or functionability from dihydrofolate reductase by the systematic alanine insertion
  14. Y. Ogawa, H. Kamikubo, C. Komeda, M. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Extraction of the structural element of SNase-like domain in human p100 by alanine insertion analysis
  15. H. Nakagawa, Y. Joti, A. Kitao, M. Kataoka
    Hydration affects both harmonic and anharmonic nature of protein dynamics

The 3rd UT Horiba International Symposium on Hydrogen and Water in Condensed Matter Physics,生命の森リゾート,千葉,2009年10月12−16日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Effect of Hydration Water on Protein Dynamics

Telluride Science Research Center (TSRC) Workshop on Protein Dynamics 2009, Telluride Intermediate School, Telluride, CO, USA, 2009年8月3日−7日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Low barrier hydrogen bond in photoactive yellow protein and its role in photoreaction(招待講演)


  1. 片岡幹雄、上久保裕生、山口繁生


  1. 片岡幹雄

The 2nd International Symposium on "Molecular Science of Fluctuations toward Biological Functions"(第2回“揺らぎと生体機能”公開シンポジウム),岡崎コンファレンスセンター,岡崎,2009年3月16−17日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Effect of Hydration on Protein Dynamics Studied by Neutron Scattering(招待講演)
  2. Y. Joti, H. Nakagawa, M. Kataoka, A. Kitao
    Dynamics of protein hydration water studied from the simulated coherent neutron scattering spectra
  3. H. Nakagawa, Y. Joti, A. Kitao, M. Kataoka
    Structure and dynamics of the protein hydration water at the protein dynamical transition
  4. M. Yamaguchi, K. Yamamoto, M. Tani, M. Hangyo, M. Kataoka
    Dielectric spectra of hydrated water in the terahertz range

ATI International Forum 2009 "Protein Structure Determination and Applications",リコッティ東海,東海村,2009年3月9−10日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Structure and photoreaction of photoactive yellow protein: Direct observation of low barrier hydrogen bond and its roles(招待講演)

The 6th Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) Symposium, 香港科学技術大学、Hong Kong, 2009年1月11−15日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Mechanism of Induced Folding of Staphylococcal Nuclease: Implication to Natively Unfolding Protein(招待講演)
  2. H. Kamikubo, S. Yamaguchi, K. Kurihara, R. Kuroki, N. Niimura, N. Shimizu, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Neutron and X-ray crystallographic study of photoactive yellow protein
  3. H. Nakanishi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Interaction between BLUF domain and the C-terminal region of AppA
  4. N. Ota, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    N-terminal deletion effect in the Rc-PYP
  5. S. Tadokoro, H. Kamikubo, S. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Influence of loope modification in staphylococcal nuclease on its structure and activity


  1. 片岡幹雄



  1. S. Tadokoro, H. Kamikubo, S. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    The role of theflexible loop in staphylococcal nuclease on its catalyticactivity
  2. R. Nakagaki, H.Kamikubo, Y. Yamazako, M. Kataoka
    Role of leucine 108 for the folding of staphylococcal nuclease
  3. H. Sawada, H.Kamikubo, M. Onitsuka, Y. Yamazako, M. Kataoka
    The effect of alanine insertion mutation for folding kinetics
  4. Y. Yamazaki, H.Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Spectral characterization of the complex form of the photoactive yellow protein of Rhodobacter capsolatus
  5. H. Kamikubo, T. Koyama, M. Hayashi, K. Shirai, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    The phtotreaction of the PYP domain in the light sensor histidine kinase Ppr is influenced by the C-terminal domain
  6. N. Ota, Y. Yamazako, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Role of the N-terminal cap in the Rc-PYP
  7. S. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, K. Kurihara, R. Kuroki, N. Niimura, N. Shimizu, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Direct observation of two distinct types of short hydrogen bond in photoactive yellow protein
  8. C. Komeda, Y. Yamazako, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Foldability of SNase-like domain in human p100
  9. R. Shiba, H. Kamikubo, M. Umeyama, S. Tsukasa, Y. Yamazaki, M. Iwakura, M. Kataoka
    Extraction of the regions encoded foldability and/or functionability from dihydrofolate reductase by the systematic alanine insertion
  10. Javaid Shahbaz Khan, M. Terazima, M.Kataoka, M. Harigai, Y. Shichica, Y. Imamoto
    The origin of conformational changes of the PYP photoreaction monitored by diffusion change
  11. Y. Yamada, H. Tsuihiji, K. Shirai, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Identification of the structural and functional element of photoactive yellow protein
  12. H. Nakagawa, Y. Joti, A. Kitao, M. Kataoka
    Structure and dynamics of the protein hydration water at the protein dynamical transition
  13. H. Nakanishi, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Intramolecolar interaction for light-responsible regolation in AppA

The 150th Anniversary of Japan-France Relationship Workshop on Water & Cell Physiology, ウェスティン都ホテル京都,京都,2008年11月25−26日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Effect of hydration water on protein dynamics(招待講演)

JSPS Japan-France Bilateral Joint Seminar 2008 "Frontiers of Glassy Physics", 京都大学基礎物理学研究所,京都,2008年11月19−22日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Effect of hydration on the glass-like transition of protein(招待講演)

Asia Science Seminar on "Frontier Science at High-Intensity Proton Accelerators", China Center of Advanced Science and Technology, Beijing, China, 2008年10月19−25日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Protein Dynamics and Structure Studied by Neutron Scattering(基調講演)
  2. H. Nakagawa, Y. Joti, A. Kitao, M. Kataoka
    Structure and dynamics of the protein hydration water at the protein dynamical transition

Symposium on Neutron Protein Crystallography (NPC) -Current Status and Future Prospect-, JAEA Ricotti, Tokai, Japan, 2008年8月21−22日

  1. H. Kamikubo
    Direct observation of two distinct types of short hydrogen bond in Photoactive Yellow Protein(招待講演)

Workshop Biomolecolar Dynamics and Protein-Water Interactions, Internatinal Education Center Feldafing, Munich, Germany, 2008年9月24−26日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Effect of hydration and conformational state on protein dynamics(招待講演)


  1. 片岡幹雄
    Staphylococcal nucleaseの誘導折り畳み機構(ワークショップ招待講演)


  1. 片岡幹雄

Gordon Research Conference on Photosensory Receptors & Signal Transduction 2, Crowne Plaza Hoter Ventura, Ventura, CA, USA, 2008年1月27日−2月1日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Structure of the photointermediate of PYP and the propagation mechanism of structural change(招待講演)



  1. S. J. Kahn,寺嶋正秀,片岡幹雄,針貝美樹,七田芳則,今元泰
  2. 上久保裕生,山崎洋一,片岡幹雄
  3. 鬼塚正義,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,片岡幹雄
  4. 澤田宏起,上久保裕生,鬼塚正義,山崎洋一,片岡幹雄
  5. 政さやか,上久保裕生,梅山美香,山崎洋一,巌倉正寛,片岡幹雄
  6. 芝るみ,上久保裕生,梅山美香,山崎洋一,巌倉正寛,片岡幹雄
  7. 中川洋,片岡幹雄
  8. 針貝美樹,山崎洋一,片岡幹雄,今元泰
    Photoactive Yellow Proteinの光反応におけるVal122の作用
  9. 浴口真幸,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,片岡幹雄
    Rhodobacter capsolatus由来PYPの光反応におけるpH依存性
  10. 小山知則,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,片岡幹雄
    紅色光合成細菌Rhosospirillum centenum由来PYP様ドメインの光反応サイクルの特性
  11. 永田大介,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Ala/ValスキャニングによるPhotoactive Yellow Proteinの構造・機能に対する重要なアミノ酸残基のマッピング
  12. 山口繁生,上久保裕生,栗原和男,山崎洋一,大西裕季,黒木良太,新村信雄,片岡幹雄
    Photoactive Yellow Proteinを用いた中性子結晶構造解析
  13. 今元泰,V. Kovaleva,笹山裕晃,針貝美樹,片岡幹雄
  14. 山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Rhodobacter capsolatus PYPの分光学的特性の解析

International Workshop on Unifying Concepts of Glass Transition,九州大学,福岡,2007年11月22−24日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Effect of hydration on the glass-like transition of protein(招待講演)

The 2nd International Symposium on Diffraction Structural Biology,東京,2007年9月10−13日

  1. S. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, K. Kurihara, N. Shimizu, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Ohnishi, R. Kuroki, N. Niimura, M. Kataoka
    Determination of hydrogen positions of photoactive yellow protein

The 9th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation, Manchester Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, UK, 2007年8月12−17日

  1. H. Kamikubo, K. Hirako, H. Sawada, M. Kawasaki, R. Kato, K. Nakayama, S. Wakatsuki, M. Kataoka
    Solution structural analysis of GGA(VHS-GAT) and the complexes with its binding partners using solution X-ray scattering
  2. H. Kamikubo, H. Sawada, M. Kataoka
    Wide angle X-ray solution scattering reveals the structure of photointermediate of photoactive yellow protein
  3. S. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, K. Kurihara, N. Shimizu, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Ohnishi, R. Kuroki, N. Niimura, M. Kataoka
    Determination of hydrogen positions of photoactive yellow protein

Telluride Conference on Protein Dynamics, Telluride, CO, USA, 2007年7月30日−8月3日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Structure of the photointermediate of photoactive yellow protein revealed by wide-angle X-ray solution scattering and fluctuation analysis(招待講演)


  1. 山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    光合成細菌Rhodobacter capsolatus 由来PYPの分光学的特性


  1. 片岡幹雄


  1. 山口繁生,上久保裕生,清水伸隆,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Photoactive Yellow Proteinを用いた中性子回折実験及び高分解能X線結晶構造解析
  2. 中川洋,城地保昌,北尾彰朗,柴田薫,郷信広,片岡幹雄

The 3rd Japan-France Joint Seminar on Protein Dynamics, ESRF講堂, Grenoble, France, 2007年1月15−19日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Structure of the photointermediate of photoactive yellow protein and the propagation mechanism of structural change(招待講演)


The 4th Open Workshop "Chemistry of Biological Processes Created by Water and Biomolecoles" (第4回“水と生体分子”公開ワークショップ),京都テルサ,京都,2006年12月18−19日

  1. Y. Joti, H. Nakagawa, M. Kataoka, A. Kitao
    Effects of solvent on protein dynamics studied by molecolar dynamics simolation of crystalline staphylococcal nuclease
  2. D. Kitamura, Y. Yamazaki, K. Shirai, H. Kamikubo, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    The effect of simplified amino acid sequence on conformational stability and catalysis of staphylococcal nuclease
  3. H. Tsuihiji, H. Kamikubo, K. Shirai, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Investigation of the structural and functional regions of photoactive yellow protein by using systematic alanine insertion
  4. H. Nakagawa, Y. Joti, A. Kitao, K. Shibata, N. Go, M. Kataoka
    Dynamics of protein and its hydration water studied by incoherent neutron inelastic scattering
  5. Y. Hoshihara, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka, F. Tokunaga, Y. Kimura, M. Terazima, Pressure effect on photoreaction dynamics of photoactive yellow protein
  6. M. Umeyama, H. Kamikubo, M. Iwakura, M. Kataoka
    Extraction of the essential regions of dihydrofolate reductase sequence by alanine insertion perturbation analysis
  7. S. Kato, H. Kamikubo, M. Onitsuka, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Elucidation of the unfolding-state and the folding process of the disolfide-bond introduced mutant of staphylococcal nuclease
  8. S. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, N. Shimizu, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Preparation of large crystal of photoactive yellow protein for neutron diffraction and high resolution crystal structure analysis
  9. K. Hirako, H. Kamikubo, M. Kawasaki, R. Kato, K. Nakayama, S. Wakatsuki, M. Kataoka
    Structural analysis of GGA(VHS-GAT)?Arf complex using SAXS measurement

The 3rd Asia and Oceania Conference on Photobiology, Beijing, China, 2006年11月17−20日

  1. Y. Imamoto
    Spectroscopic characterization of the light-induced structuralchange of photoactive yellow protein(招待講演)
  2. H. Kamikubo
    Structural characterization of the active state of Photoactive yellow protein using the wide-angle x-ray scattering(招待講演)


  1. H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Structural characterization of an active state using the wide-angle solution X-ray scattering(シンポジウム招待講演)
  2. H. Nakagawa, Y. Joti, A. Kitao, K. Shibata, N. Go, M. Kataoka
    Hydration related protein dynamics studied by incoherent neutron inelastic scattering
  3. A. Tokuhisa, Y. Joti, H. Nakagawa, A. Kitao, M. Kataoka
    Molecolar simolation study of the origin of non-Gaussian behavior on the elastic incoherent neutron scattering from protein dynamics
  4. M. Onitsuka, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Characterization of conformational rearrangement during the folding process of Staphylococcal nuclease
  5. M. Umeyama, H. Kamikubo, M. Iwakura, M. Kataoka
    Extraction of the essential regions of dihydrofolate reductase sequence by alanine insertion perturbation analysis
  6. K. Shirai, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Attempt to understand the information encoded in the amino acid sequence of photoactive yellow protein by the simplification of sequence
  7. H. Tsuihijji, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    The relationship between conformation and activity of NifA
  8. Y. Hoshihara, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka, F. Tokunaga, Y. Kimura, M. Terazima
    Kinetics of major conformational change of PYP
  9. K. Hirako, H. Kamikubo, M. Kawasaki, R. Kato, K. Nakayama, S. Wakatsuki, M. Kataoka
    Structural analysis of GGA(VHS-GAT)-Arf complex using SAXS measurement
  10. S. Kato, H. Kamikubo, M. Onitsuka, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Elucidation of the unfolding-state and the folding process of the disolfide-bond introduced mutant of staphylococcal nuclease
  11. Y. Ikeda, J. Gohara, Y. Imamoto, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, T. Kawakami, S. Yoshimura, S. Aimoto, M. Kataoka
    Interaction of arrestin with phosphorylated rhodopsin C-terminus peptide
  12. S. Ano, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Elucidation of interaction domains for AppA-PpsR complex
  13. S. Yamaguchi, H. Kamikubo, N. Shimizu, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Neutron diffraction and high resolution X-ray crystal structure analysis of photoactive yellow protein
  14. Y. Imamoto, H. Sasayama, M. Harigai, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Conformational change of b5-b6 loop during the photocycle of photoactive yellow protein
  15. M. Harigai, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Correlation between photocycle kinetics of PYP and conformation of b4-b5 loop
  16. T. Morimoto, M. Harigai, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    The photocycle of Met100Ala mutant of photoactive yellow protein studied by low-temperature spectroscopy
  17. Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Isolation of photoactive yellow protein associated protein from Rhodobacter capsolatus

The 6th KIAS Conference on Protein Structure and Function, Korean Institute for Advanced Science, Seool, Korea , 2006年10月26−28日

  1. M. Kataoka
    The mechanism of inhibitor-induced folding of staphylococcal nuclease(招待講演)

Biochemistry and Molecolar Biology of Sensor Enzymes and Proteins (Satellite Meeting of the 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecolar Biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress), 東北大学多元物質科学研究所講堂,仙台,2006年6月15−16日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Structure and photoreaction of photoactive yellow protein(招待講演)



  1. 今元泰
  2. 片岡幹雄,城地保昌
    次世代の分光技術がもたらす構造生物学の新展開 ―生体高分子の動的構造解析から分子機能解明を目指して
  3. 馬場隆,上久保裕生,鬼塚正義,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Staphylococcal nucleaseの折り畳み反応におけるグリセロール添加の効果
  4. 柴田薫,中川洋,藤原悟,城地保昌,片岡幹雄
  5. 今元泰,針貝美樹,片岡幹雄
  6. 山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    紅色光合成細菌Rhodobacter capsolatus由来PYPの光反応の解析と生理条件下における反応の考察
  7. 笹山裕晃,針貝美樹,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,今元 泰,片岡幹雄
  8. 針貝美樹,今元 泰,片岡幹雄
  9. 上久保裕生,川崎政人,加藤龍一,中山和久,若槻壮市,片岡幹雄
  10. 坂本亜沙美,山崎洋一,白井久美子,上久保裕生,今元 泰,片岡幹雄
    Photoactive Yellow Proteinにおけるアミロイド線維形成
  11. 鬼塚正義,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  12. 中川洋,城地保昌,片岡幹雄,郷信広
  13. 加藤真悟,上久保裕生,鬼塚正義,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  14. 徳久淳師,城地保昌,上久保裕生,中川洋,北尾彰朗,片岡幹雄
  15. 中田浩司,白井久美子,今元泰,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,片岡幹雄
  16. 山口繁生,上久保裕生,清水伸隆,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄


  1. 今元泰,針貝美樹,片岡幹雄
  2. 中田浩司,白井久美子,今元泰,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,片岡幹雄

The 2nd Open Workshop "Chemistry of Biological Proesses Created by Water and Biomolecoles", Kokuyo Hall, Tokyo, Japan, 2005年3月17-18日

  1. A. Tokuhisa, Y. Joti, H. Kamikubo, H. Nakagawa, A. Kitao, M. Kataoka
    Correlation between Protein Dynamics and the Elastic Incoherent Neutron Scattering Profile Studied by Molecolar Dynamics Simolation
  2. T. Oka, K. Inoue, M. Kataoka, N. Yagi
    Structural Transition of Bacteriorhodopsin is Preceded by Deprotonation of Schiff Base: Microsecond Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction Study of Purple Membrane
  3. K. Shirai, Y. Yamazaki, H. Kamikubo, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    An Attempt to Understand the Information Encoded in the Amino Acid Sequence of Photoactive Yellow Protein by the Simplification of Sequence
  4. M. Onitsuka, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    The Mechanism of Substrate-Induced Folding of Staphylococcal Nuclease
  5. M. Nakayama, M. Kataoka
    Effects of Alanine Insertion on the Structure Formation and Enzymatic Activity of Staphylococcal Nuclease
  6. A. Sakamoto, Y. Yamazaki, K. Shirai, H. Kamikubo, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Photoactive Yellow Protein can Form Amyloid Fibrils



  1. 上久保裕生,村崎康浩,川崎政人,加藤龍一,中山和久,若槻壮市,片岡幹雄
  2. 村崎康浩,上久保裕生,川崎政人,加藤龍一,中山和久,若槻壮市,片岡幹雄
  3. 守田真,福角勇人,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  4. 笹山裕晃,針貝美樹,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  5. 針貝美樹,今元泰,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,片岡幹雄
    Photoactive yellow proteinにおけるMet100ループの役割
  6. 今元泰,片岡幹雄
  7. 林道弘,上久保裕生,白井久美子,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Ppr(PYP-Phytochrome Related Protein)におけるPYPドメインの役割
  8. 山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    紅色光合成細菌Rhodobacter capsolatus由来PYPの相互作用分子の探索
  9. 福角勇人,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  10. 對比地久義,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,片岡幹雄
    紅色光合成細菌Ectothiorhodospira halophila由来NifAのオリゴマー形成に関する研究
  11. 藤本知志,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  12. 鬼塚正義,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  13. 白井久美子,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Photoactive yellow proteinにおける配列情報の理解の試み
  14. 徳久淳師,城地保昌,上久保裕生,中川洋,北尾彰朗,片岡幹雄

8th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation, Egret Himeji, Himeji, Japan, 2004年9月7−11日

  1. H. Kamikubo, N. Shimizu, M. Harigai, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Structural characterization of the M intermediate of Photoactive yellow protein using solution x-ray scattering

11th International Conference on Retinal Proteins, Frauenchiemsee, Germany, 2004年6月20−24日

  1. M. Harigai, Y. Imamoto, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Role of amino acid residues in Met100 loop of photoactive yellow protein
  2. Y. Imamoto, M. Harigai, H. Kamikubo, Y.Yamazaki, M.Kataoka
    Secondary structural change of photoactive yellow protein
  3. T.Oka, K. Inoue, N. Yagi, M. Kataoka
    Structural kinetics of bacteriorhodopsin by X-ray diffraction of purple membrane with 5 microsecond time resolution

The 1st Pacific-Rim International Conference on Protein Science, The 4th Annual Meeting of the Protein Science Society of Japan, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan, 2004年4月14−18日

  1. H. Tsuihiji, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    The isolation and characterization of transcriptional activator NifA from photosynthetic bacteria, Ectothiorhodospira halophila
  2. M. Onitsuka, H. kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Substrate-induced folding of Staphylococcal nuclease


2nd International Conference on Biomedical Spectroscopy, King's College London, UK, 2003年7月6日

  1. Y. Imamoto
    Studies of Structural Change of Photoreceptor Proteins Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy


  1. 白井久美子,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  2. 片岡幹雄,中川洋,初田竜也,山崎洋一,上久保裕生
    Staphylococcal nuclease のヘリックス領域への系統的アラニン挿入の影響

日本物理学会第58回年次大会,東北大学川内キャンパス・東北学院大学土樋キャンパス,仙台,2003年 3月28−31日

  1. 上久保裕生,清水伸隆,針貝美樹,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    X線溶液散乱測定法を用いたPhotoactive Yellow Proteinの光による構造変化の解析
  2. 清水伸隆,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,今元泰,三原憲一,片岡幹雄
  3. 中川洋,上久保裕生,筑紫格,金谷利治,片岡幹雄



  1. 今元泰,針貝美樹,上久保裕生,清水伸隆,片岡幹雄
  2. 上久保裕生,清水伸隆,針貝美樹,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  3. 山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    C末端His-tag PYPを用いたPYPの相互作用の解析
  4. 清水伸隆,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,今元泰,三原憲一,片岡幹雄
  5. 平野聡,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Staphylococcal nucleaseの構造形成に果たす140Trpの役割 」
  6. 中川洋,上久保裕生,筑紫格,金谷利治,片岡幹雄
  7. 平岡聡,上久保裕生,中川洋,平野聡,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Staphylococcal NucleaseのΩループ改変による機能及び構造安定性の評価
  8. 白井久美子,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Photoactive yellow proteinのアミノ酸配列の単純化の試み
  9. 龍見さなえ,清水伸隆,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Photoactive Yellow Proteinにおける グリシンの役割
  10. 久保田進、上久保裕生、山崎洋一、今元泰、片岡幹雄
    非天然構造Staphylococcal nucleaseの疎水性相互作用増加による構造形成及び構造安定化
  11. 安田玲里、清水伸隆、山崎洋一、上久保裕生、今元泰、片岡幹雄
    アラニン置換を利用したPhotoactive Yellow Proteinの構造形成及び機能発現機構の研究

10th International Conference on Retinal Proteins, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 2002年8月20−24日

  1. M. Kataoka, H. Kamikubo
    Structure and Properties of Photointermediate and Relationship to the Photoreaction(招待講演)
  2. Y. Imamoto, H. Kamikubo, M. Harigai, N. Shimizu, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Direct Observation of Light-Induced Global Conformational Change of Photoactive Yellow Protein
  3. Y. Imamoto, C. Tamura, H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Self-Association of Bovine Visual Arrestin as Revealed by Small Angle X-Ray Scattering
  4. Y. Yamazaki, T. Nagata, A. Terakita, H. Kandori, Y. Shichida
    Rhodopsin Structural Changes in Early and Late States of Photolysis Detected by Vibrational Changes of Cysteine
  5. N. Shimizu, H. Kamikubo, Y. Imamoto, Y. Yamazaki, K. Mihara, M. Kataoka
    Crystal Structure of R52Q Mutant of Photoactive Yellow Protein

224th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA, 2002年8月18−22日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Inelastic and quasielastic neutron scattering studies on protein dynamics(招待講演)
  2. H. Nakagawa, H. Kamikubo, J. C. Smith, M. Kataoka
    Difference of dynamics between folded and unfolded protein studied by elastic incoherent neutron scattering

First International Conference on Biomedical Spectroscopy, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 2002年7月7−10日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Neutron Inelastic Scattering as a Hig-Resolution Vibrational Spectroscopy: New Tool for the Study of Protein Dynamics(招待講演)
  2. E. Mano, H. Kamikubo, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    Comparison of the photochemical reaction of PYP in crystal and aqueous solution

1st Asian Conference on Photobiology, Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Hyogo, Japan, 2002年6月26−28日

  1. Y. Imamoto, M. Harigai, N. Shimizu, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, M. Kataoka
    Structure and Photoreaction of Photoactive Yellow Protein (Invited Lecture)
  2. H. Kamikubo, M. Kataoka
    Relationship between crystal structure and low-resolution structure of photointermediates(招待講演)
  3. N. Shimizu, H. Kamikubo, Y. Imamoto, Y. Yamazaki, K. Mihara, M. Kataoka
    Crystal Structures of E46Q and R52Q Mutants of Photoactive Yellow Protein

第2回日本蛋白質科学会年会,名古屋国際会議場,名古屋,2002年 6月13−15日

  1. 平野聡,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Staphylococcal nucleaseの140Trp近傍相互作用のシステイン架橋による置き換え
  2. 白井久美子,山崎洋一,上久保祐生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Photoactive yellow protein (PYP) のアミノ酸配列の単純化の試み


4th International Conference on Biological Physics 2001,京都国際会館,京都,2001年月7日30日−8月3日

  1. Y. Imamoto, T. Asahi, H. Masuhara, F. Tokunaga, T. Kinoshita, K. Yoshihara, M. Kataoka
    Photochemical event of photoactive yellow protein
  2. N. Shimizu, H. Kamikubo, Y. Imamoto, K. Mihara, M. Kataoka
    Elucidation of molecolar recognition mechanism of photoactive yellow protein using ionic molecoles
  3. S. Hirano, K. Mihara, H. Kamikubo, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    The structural role of C-terminal region of Staphylococcal nuclease
  4. H. Nakagawa, H. Kamikubo, I. Tukushi, T. Kanaya, M. Kataoka
    The origin of non-gaussianity in q dependence of incoherent elastic neutron scattering


  1. 今元泰,徳永史生,朝日剛,増原宏,片岡幹雄
  2. 上久保裕生,清水伸隆,山本泰輝,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Photoactive yellow proteinのM中間体崩壊過程の律速段階
  3. 山崎 洋一,上久保 裕生,今元泰,片岡 幹雄
    Photoactive yellow proteinの相互作用分子の探索
  4. 平野聡,山崎洋一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    システイン架橋導入によるStaphylococcal nucleaseの構造安定化の試み
  5. 中川洋,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Staphylococcal nucleaseの非天然状態にみられる基質認識や折り畳みの本質的情報
  6. 對比地久義,山崎洋一,片岡幹雄
    Ectothiorhodospira halophilaにおける光合成的水素発生機構の解明
  7. 針貝美樹,清水伸隆,安田早苗,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄


  1. 片岡幹雄,大石真市,清水伸隆,安田早苗,小林志麻子,三原憲一,今元泰
  2. 今元泰,田村千恵,上久保裕生,片岡幹雄
  3. 清水伸隆,上久保裕生,今元泰,三原憲一,片岡幹雄
    モデル低分子を用いたPhotoactive yellow proteinの分子認識機構の解明
  4. 平野聡,上久保裕生,山崎洋一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Staphylococcal Nucleaseの構造保持におけるC末端の役割
  5. 中川洋,上久保裕生,筑紫格,金谷利治,片岡幹雄

日本物理学会 第56回年次大会,中央大学多摩キャンパス,東京,2001年3月27−30日

  1. 清水伸隆,上久保裕生,今元泰,三原憲一,片岡幹雄
    中間体の構造安定によるPhotoactive yellow proteinの光反応の変化
  2. 平野聡,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Staphylococcal Nucleaseの構造保持におけるC末端の役割
  3. 中川洋,上久保裕生,三原憲一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    挿入変異体を用いたStaphylococcal nucleaseの非天然状態の研究
  4. 安田早苗,三原憲一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Photoactive Yellow Proteinの機能に対する C末端部位の役割
  5. 針貝美樹,安田早苗,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄


9th International Conference on Retinal Proteins, Szeged, Hungary, 2000年9月14-19日

  1. M. Kataoka
    Structure and photoreaction of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) (Invited Lecture)
  2. Y. Imamoto, K. Mihara, M. Kataoka
    Chromophore/protein interaction in the photocycle intermediate of photoactive yellow protein
  3. S. Yasuda, K. Mihira, H. Kamikubo, Y. Imamoto, M. Kataoka
    The Role of C-terminal Residues on the Function of Photoactive Yellow Protein


  1. 今元泰,三原憲一,片岡幹雄
  2. 三原憲一,今元泰,徳永史生,片岡幹雄
  3. 清水伸隆,上久保裕生,三原憲一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  4. 平野聡,三原憲一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    C末端欠損がStaphylococcal Nucleaseの構造に与える効果
  5. 田村千恵,今元泰,上久保裕生,片岡幹雄
  6. 中川洋,上久保裕生,筑紫格,金谷利治,片岡幹雄
    中性子非干渉性弾性散乱によるStaphylococcal nucleaseのガラス転移の研究
  7. 安田早苗,原憲一,上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Photoactive Yellow Proteinの機能へのC末端部位の役割

日本物理学会 2000年春の分科会,関西大学,吹田,2000年3月22−25日

  1. 清水伸隆,上久保裕生,三原憲一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  2. 平野聡,上久保裕生,三原憲一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
    Staphylococcal NucleaseのC末欠損が構造に与える効果
  3. 田村千恵,今元泰,上久保裕生,片岡幹雄
  4. 中川洋,上久保裕生,平野聡,筑紫格,金谷利治,片岡幹雄
    非干渉性中性子弾性散乱によるStaphylococcal Nucleaseの水和依存的なダイナミックスと動的不均一性



  1. 今元泰,三原憲一,片岡幹雄
  2. 三原憲一,今元泰,徳永史生,片岡幹雄
  3. 上久保裕生,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  4. 岡俊彦,八木直人,藤沢哲郎,徳永史生,片岡幹雄
  5. 濱田格雄,三原憲一,今元泰,徳永史生,片岡幹雄
  6. 大石真市,上久保裕生,三原憲一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  7. 小林志麻子,三原憲一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  8. 清水伸隆,上久保裕生,濱田格雄,三原憲一,今元泰,片岡幹雄
  9. 平野聡,三原憲一,上久保裕生,片岡幹雄
    C末欠損がStaphylococcal Nucleaseの構造に与える効果