Division of Materials Science,Nara Institute of Science and Technology Photonic and Reactive Molecular Science Laboratory



Our research group aims for exploring new functional molecular and reaction systems which are derived, characterized and/or modulated by the light irradiation. We also explore scientific principle of chemistry and photochemistry, especially organic reactions, coordination chemistry, photo-excitation and photoluminescence. Polymer chemistry, nano-materials, chemical engineering, organic electronic device science, analytical chemistry and catalytic chemistry are also involved in our scope of research activity. We welcome motivated students who have academic background related to these and related topics. The NAIST graduate program is composed of credit system and research activity at each research laboratory. We host and support these students to receive MS degree and PhD degree in Science or Engineering after research activity in our laboratory for two or three years. 

International Students:

About 20-30% of our students are from overseas countries. Many of them are from NAIST-partnership institutions. Some of their students are encouraged to visit us and join the internship programs for several days or weeks. If you would consider to join us, we welcome to receive your contact with e-mail. Students who wish to join us as a PhD student is especially requested to contact us in advance.


Double Degree Program:

Some of our students have been involved in "Double Degree" (DD) Program.  In the DD-Program, students join international collaborative research activity, which is settled between our team at NAIST and partner researchers in overseas institutions. The students should stay each side for 12 month or more and take appropriate academic credits in each side.  They expect to receive PhD degree from both universities, after the PhD defense and evaluation by an evaluation committee. Previously, two students have graduated the DD-program in collaboration with University Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse, France. Three students are currently involved in the DD program between our team and PPSM (http://ppsm.ens-paris-saclay.fr/), University Paris Saclay, France. In 2022, we are going to establish DD program with Kasetsart University, Thailand, at the MS level. Student who wish to join the DD program are desired to contact us in advance at least 6 month before your enrollment.