New Functional Photo-reactive Molecules
Proc. Jpn. Acad., Ser. B, 2001, 30-35
Photochromic molecules undergo reversible photo-induced isomerization under light irradiation. We explore new photoreactive molecules which exhibit reversible switching and manipulating various chemical functionality. We also study on new photopolymer systems, radio-sensing materials and photo-patterning materials.
1. Structure and Photoreactivity of Triangle Terarylenes
Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2007, 3212-3218
Terarylenes undergo reversible photocyclization under UV light irradiation and three aromatic units are collapsed with one-photon photoexcitation.
2. Terarylenes of High Photosensitivity
We have developed photochromic terarylene showing "Photon-Quantitative Reaction", which means almost 100% of photochemical quantum yield. In the new substance, unique S/N and CH/Ninteraction operate to stabilize the photo-reactive conformation.
3. New Photo-Acid Generator, PAG, of high Photosensitivity and Chemical Reactivity
Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 4339-4341.
As the new PAG, the new substances release strong acids from their ring-closed forms, which trigger polymerization of epoxy monomers forming photopatternings.
We delivered highly reactive Lewis Acid after light irradiation to the newly synthesized Photo Lewis Acid Generator, PLAG, which triggers even Mukaiyama-Aldhol reaction under light irradiation.
4. New Redox Cascade Molecules
We demonstrated terarylene showing efficient ring-opening reactivity triggered by oxidization. The redox cascade reaction promotes amplifiedring-opening reaction, for even 1000 molecules after one electron oxidation.