4th Green Photonics Seminar
Co-host:3rd Cell Processing by Ultrashort Pulsed-Laser
At poster presentation
Day:September 2th, 13:00 - 17:25
Place:Nara Institute of Science and Technology, The Graduate School of Materials Science, Room E207/208
Registration fee:Free
13:00-13:10 | 開会の辞 細川陽一郎 (物質創成科学研究科) |
13:10-13:30 | フェムト秒レーザーを利用した新しい細胞内の力場評価方法の確立 細川陽一郎 (物質創成科学研究科) |
13:30-13:50 | 動物初期胚の形態形成における力の役割 松井貴輝(バイオサイエンス研究科) |
13:50-14:10 | 細胞の形と非対称分裂における運命決定 赤沼啓志(バイオサイエンス研究科) |
14:10-14:30 | 植物の通水組織の進化を探る-ミズゴケの透明細胞の分子制御機構 米田新(バイオサイエンス研究科) |
14:30-14:50 | 根冠の形態形成のための分子制御機構 宮島俊介(バイオサイエンス研究科) |
14:50-16:00 | ポスター発表 |
16:00-16:20 | 脂質結合タンパク質の構造と機能 末次志郎(バイオサイエンス研究科)) |
16:20-16:40 | 神経突起の伸長制御メカニズム 浦崎明宏(バイオサイエンス研究科) |
16:40-17:00 | 蛍光性光解離性保護基を用いたケージド化合物の開発 西山靖浩(物質創成科学研究科) |
17:00-17:20 | パルスレーザー・アシスト光ピンセットによる細胞に働く力場評価 杉浦忠男(情報科学研究科) |
17:20-17:30 | 閉会の辞 松井貴輝(バイオサイエンス研究科) |
18:00-20:00 | 懇親会(ワンカルビ 学研北生駒店) |
...NCTU-NAIST-ITRC Joint Workshop
Prof. Masuhara (center) with attendees
“NCTU-NAIST-ITRC Joint Workshop” was held at Taiwan, National Chiao Tung University
- NCTU: National Chiao Tung University
- NAIST: NAra Institute of Science and Technology
- ITRC: Instrument Technology Research Center
Dr. Iino, Uedan, Shinya(M2), Kono, Fukushima, Maruyama(M1) attended to
the workshop.
We put the Opening Remarks by Prof. Masuhara, of NCTU, as a workshop report.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen
I am very happy to see active students of NAIST and it is indeed my great
pleasure to host visitors from Nara. This workshop aims to share recent
progress on research in Laser Bio/Nano Science by reporting what we are
doing and by discussing on related topics of mutual interests. I believe
this Workshop is fruitful not only in studying our science but also in mutual
understanding and communication.
Taking this opportunity I would like to remember and/or introduce our history
between NCTU and NAIST. I and Prof. Miura shifted to NCTU from NAIST in
2008 and have extended our research in the past six years. Then three years
ago Dr. Yuyama and Prof. Sugiyama joined us from NAIST to NCTU and ITRC,
respectively, so very strong pipe between NCTU and NAIST is now working,
which is listed as below.
1) Academic exchange program.
2) The university-level workshop was started in 2009 and now extended to
the annual 3 pole joint workshop involving GIST (Gwanju Institute of Technology
in Korea).
3) The laboratory-level mini-workshop on Laser Bio/Nano Science has been
organized 3 times.
4) Collaboration was started very early between Masuhara laboratory and
Prof. Kao’s laboratory of National Yang Ming University, and is extended
also to Prof. Liau’s laboratory. Prof. Hosokawa has had a main role in the
5) A special fund was set in NAIST for supporting visiting mutually among
I think we have various chances to develop further our relation and actually
I hear that the dual degree program is prepared now. When it starts, both
students of NCTU and NAIST can learn and conduct research in both university
and are given two degrees from both university. I can say our future is
bright and we will be one of pioneers extending university activity in Asia.
Please present and discuss sincerely. Through the poster session and the
following dinner our communication will be enhanced, which will give us
nice experience more than science.
January 25, 2014 Hiroshi MASUHARA, Chair Professor of NCTU
...3rd Green Photonics Seminar: Molecular self-organization in green technology
Co-host:6th Bio Nano Systems Seminar, and 2nd Cell Processing by Ultrashort Pulsed-Laser
3rd Green Photonics Seminar "Molecular Self-Organization in Green
Technology" was held on December 12th 2013. Hosted under the 5 year
project of "Green
Photonics Research" which created under the auspices of Japan's
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
in April 2011. The project is aimed to contribute to the lasting development
of the society through the leading-edge research and development.
Researchers and graduate students got together for duscussing Possibility
of future Green Technology, as Water, Molecular, Protein, and Cell.
Some attendees of this seminar worked under the project of JST-CREST
supervised by Prof. Koji KAYA(2002-2008), "Creation of Novel
Nano-material/System Synthesized by Self-organization for Medical Use",
so this seminar is the lastest report expanded from the project results
as well as Greenphotonics.
Please contact to Hosokawa(hosokawa@hskw.jp), if you interested in
our research and need the abstruct.
Details of 2nd Cell Processing by Ultrashort Pulsed-Laser
UP:Closing by Dr. Iwahori, DOWN:at the Reception party
TIME:10:00-17:00, December 12nd, 2013
PLACE: Campus
Plaza Kyoto (Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto), Conference room 3
10:00-10:05 | Opening Yoichiroh Hosokawa (NAIST) |
10:05-10:50 | 藻類フェリチンとミネラリゼーション Kenji Iwahori (JST- PRESTO) |
10:50-11:35 | 実験と計算で探る協調的な多細胞運動の生成 Tsuyoshi Hirashima (Kyoto University) |
Lunch | |
13:00-13:45 | 自己組織化による無機ナノ粒子-高分子コンポジット材料の創製 Hiroshi Yabu (Tohoku University) |
13:45-14:30 | 円偏光発光性ナノマテリアルの創製と機能化 内藤昌信 (物質・材料研究機構) |
Break |
15:00-16:00 | 高分解光学顕微法で見る氷結晶の表面融解 Sazaki Gen (Hokkaido University) |
16:00-16:45 | 時間分解赤外分光法で観る水の構造揺らぎとダイナミクス Kaoru Ohta (Kobe University) |
16:45-17:30 | フェムト秒レーザー衝撃波による氷化誘導 Yoichiroh Hosokawa (NAIST) |
17:30-17:35 | Closing Kenji Iwahori (JST- PRESTO) |
Reception |
...Talk at Enzyme club
Porf. Hosokawa talked at Enzyme club of Nara Women's University on September 28th.
...Talk at Bio Nano Systems Seminar
Research Group on Bio Nano Systems was settled in March 2009, Young researchers from JST-CREST supervised by Prof. Koji KAYA, "Creation of Novel Nano-material/System Synthesized by Self-organization for Medical Use" became the core members.
The 5th Seminar was held at Nippon Institute of Technology, August 20-21, titeld "connection between Bio Nano Science and Engineering".
...The 1st Green Photonics Seminar
The 1st Green Photonics Seminar "Colloquium on Biological Cell Processing
with Ultra Short Pulse Lasers" was held in training center at NAIST
on Apr. 13th, 2012.
Opening by Prof. Tsuyoshi Kawai, the head of "Green Photonics Research Project"
...The 3rd Workshop of "Plant Environmental Sensing"
The 3rd Workshop of "Plant Environmental Sensing" was held.
Instruction by Prof. Hosokawa and Demonstration by Mr. Iino
..Seminar as a Memorial to Dr. SUZUKI
We held a seminar as a memorial event for deceased Dr. Kenji Suzuki,
who passed away on January 8th, 2011.
We also made a books of condolences with the cooperation from his colleagues
and friends. Please contact to Prof. Hosokawa, if you need a copy.